Work Never Stops...


...but neither does play.

I've just been browsing through a few websites and blogs and have come across a few interesting things. While plowing through these sites and blog articles I have found a 'Multimedia Creative Designer' that could be of interests to me, since I will be following the Online Environment pathway next year. His name is Aaron Russell and he is a freelance web and graphic designer based in Swindon. (Hopefully in the next few days I will post some more about Aaron and his work.)

Another blog article I came across was this one by the Freelance Switch blog. Since I'm looking to develop myself as a freelancer in graphic and web design, I need to start looking into self promotion and how to get freelance work. This article is just a collection of some 'stunning' business cards that might inspire you to look at creating your own.

And just to finish off, some recent completed work of mine -

Auto Street LTD. | Poster Design

Stop The Press!


As you may know, a few weeks ago I designed an annual report for SIFE. Well, after completing the design and emailing it away, I've managed to get my hands on a few copies of the final print.

After looking through the report, I was actually a little disappointed in the image quality of the backgrounds (which I had designed)

So, my tip for designing for print -

Always make sure that your images have a large DPI (dots per inch) so when your publication/document in printed none of the images are pixelated ( It's hard to notice on a computer screen when designing so make sure you print out a prototype before mas producing!

In conclusion, I should have printed the report out myself to check before handing it to SIFE for printing. Ah well, I've learnt from my mistakes which is always an important.

Tiger Energy Drinks and Boost bars later, I have finally finished everything.


After a long night drinking energy drinks and eating Boost bars, a run round the block could not put me to sleep, but thankfully I have finally finished everything for my Identities project. All I have to do now is submit it which I will be doing later on today.

So here is my final, complete Identities project for all to see...


Now it's time for some self-promotion! Oh Yeah!

Do the D.A.N.C.E!


Just seen this brilliant music video for Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

A New Name - A New Website


Here is my final website design all up and running. (Click on the logo to view it)

Points of interest - use of .png transparency, layers used rather than tables and new type of light boxes.