N Building - Augmented Reality Building Showing Online Activities of it's Inhabitants


I've recently become interested in using QR Codes in my next update of my online portfolio/branding. This interest is due to buying a new phone, my HTC Legend, and playing with the QR Scanner and some Augmented Reality applications.

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Navi, the Michael Jackson Impersonator


Testing some club environment videos using my HTC Legend, 5 megapixel camera.

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VIDEO0005.3gp (12715 KB)

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VIDEO0006.3gp (17139 KB)

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Best Wood Carving Ever!


Walked past this today. It's positioned next to my local skate park in Colwyn Bay.

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Some Highlights of the Final Year's Art & Design Exhibitions


Today I've been around Nottingham Trent University Art & Design Exhibitions and I must say there was some awesome work create throughout the different courses. One that particularly caught my eye was the Design for Film and Television exhibition. This was a collection of models build to replicate stages/streets/houses or even secret underground army bases. It was really interesting to see the detail that the students had gone into and how students were sketching unique and interesting concepts that would then become these models.

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Multimedia Exhibition Interface in full flow