Only 4 Days to go!

I've only got four more days until I'm off to study Multimedia at Nottingham Trent University! I've joined all the facebook groups possible and decided to start a new blog of my time at NTU. So here we go...

Last week I came across a website that had a t-shirt contest going so I thought I'd have a go since the prize was a t-shirt with your design on and 5 free drinks! Yep, 5 free drinks could go a long way! I designed 2 different ideas and emailed them both -

A few days after me emailing my designs in I had an email back saying...

'thanks for the designs, look fab ;), and if your happy to, id love to hire you to do designs for my future events?, and off course paid...'

The first thing that came to my head after reading this was that (possibly) hundreds of freshers could be wearing my design and what a chat up line that could be!

I'm not even at Uni yet but still making my mark!

NTU Paints it Blue -