Describe the Rule Of Thirds and make a short, 5 second film that demonstrates this rule visually. Post your Rule Of Thirds description and your video to your online journal.
The Rule of Thirds states that an image can be divided into nine equal parts. This is done by dividing the image with two horizontal lines and two vertical lines. (See 5 second film above) The horizontal and vertical lines can be used to align objects in an image. An example of this is when photographing or filming people. It is common to line up the body with a vertical line, and having the person's eyes in line with a horizontal line. Another example of the Rule of Thirds is when photographing or filming landscapes. It is common to line up the horizon with a horizontal line and objects with vertical lines.
Assignment 003 - The Rule of Thirds
Labels: Assignment, Multimedia, Notttingham Trent University, Rule of ThirdsPosted by Dan Ryland at Thursday, November 06, 2008
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