This morning, after a good weekend, I turned on my laptop to catch up with the world of design! I regularly check various design blogs, for example -
SpoonGraphics -
Line25 Web Designer Wall by Design
While browsing, I spotted a few interesting articles...
The first link is an article about a new iPhone application called 'iDriver.' This application allows you to drive a car with your iPhone! ...Yes its true! Check out this video of it in action -
The second link that caught my attention was this one...
This is a truly unique web experience! Using your webcam and microphone, you navigate the site buy moving your hands to highlight different areas of the site. To move to different pages all you have to do is say 'home,' 'about' or 'music.' Its a brilliant example of interactive design because your interacting with the site in a different and some what enjoyable way. My only suggestion is to make sure no ones about when your shouting 'home!' at your laptop screen.. this could be viewed as slightly wired. Follow the link to try it out for yourself -
My final link is to a new Facebook UI designed by Australian designer Barton Smith. In redesigning the Facebook UI, with it’s 'streamlined, structured and linear interface' it's more 'comprehendible, enhancing the user experience and absorbability of content.'
Facebook Facelift - Home & Profiles from wearetol on Vimeo.
I really like this new design due to its simplicity and cleanliness but is it too neat and tidy? I can't help but think it looks too business-like. Maybe to solve this problem the use of more colour in the design would improve it? But the big question is the whole Facebook community, would they warm to it?
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