Introducing The #WebGradEngine - The Graduate Web Designer's Aggregator


Over the last few days, and as my graduation has got closer, I've wanted to increase my job searching capabilities. What better way to do this than through a single page that updates in real-time!

Using a custom search in Twitter and multiple 'Web Design jobs' RSS feeds combined into one RSS feed, I'm creating some sort of a custom TweekDeck for job hunting.

As I slowly develop it into including more RSS feeds and better custom searches through Twitter I hope that this will be a product that can help any type of Web Designer looking for work.

Being released as Version 1, I know it's not perfect but the information it's gathering is so I wanted to be able to share it as early as possible.

Feel free to add suggestions of RSS Feeds or particular Twitter searches you might use. I am wanting to add in multiple searches like 'need web & designer' being one, 'want, web & designer' being another and 'hire, web & designer' being a third. These are ones I've used in the past and have worked.

I've also considered a Freelance section and a Professional section. Freelance being more small jobs picked up through Twitter, then Professional being more permanent job related.

Well, here it is for you're enjoyment...

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