As you can see, it's 2.30am and I've been working on my website all evening. I've completed the home page, about us and contact page by working off the initial XHTML valid home page to create the two other pages, which in their turn will also need validating. I'm three pages down and three to go! The music, art and events page will probably be done tomorrow as the matchsticks holding my eyes open are starting to break under the pressure.
I'm also needing to add in the coding for one of the Javascript elements which will be the ability to remove all CSS attached and just view a simply text version of the site. This will be on all pages.
Here is a final screenshot of the home page only. After completing the whole site, I will hopefully upload it for public testing and critique.
Late Night Worker
Labels: Multimedia, Speakers Corner, Web Design, WebsitesPosted by Dan Ryland at Monday, December 07, 2009
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