Speakers Corner Website - LIVE

It's been two days of solid work but I has finally paid off, and I'm really happy with the final product.

My website was designed for Speakers Corner -

'A bar on the corner of Penrhyn and Abergele roads in Colwyn Bay (just west of The Central pub), Speakers Corner offers a wide selection of smoothies, coffees, juices and alcoholic drinks, as well as cakes & hot ciabattas, art exhibitions and an eclectic mix of great bands of an evening.'

Below are images that link to the XHTML pages. All pages are valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS Level 2.1 as checked by The W3C Validation Service.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid CSS!

My Javascript elements include the following -
  • Change font size (Small, Medium or Large)
  • Change style (Removes the linked style sheet and replaces with background colour blue and font colour yellow to make it easier to read, see last image)
  • Photo gallery (Simply photo gallery using Javascript display a larger version of the thumbnail when clicked on)
  • Lightbox (Added to enlarge images on the 'Music' page)
The Lightbox element was added as an extra.

Creative criticism welcomed!