The Music Industry & Online Piracy by the Numbers - Infographic

'A new infographic from D. Israel Peralta compiles data from various industry sources and to show how the music industry’s published figures about piracy compare to other external sources.  Some numbers worth looking at:

  • Digital music has grown from $20M in 2003 to $4.2B in 2009
  • The industry claims 95% Piracy Rate, while only 10% are seen as a loss of sales
  • The Average teen’s iPod has $800 of Pirated Music

There is also breakdowns of where the $15.99 of an Album sale goes, along with individual figures for the major labels.'


I find displaying information as a graphic much easier to take in. Maybe I could approach my project as an infographic displaying the facts in a visual way. After displaying these facts I would then go on to inform the users of several different ways to stay on the legal side of the law. Maybe approach it as the broad and narrow path?

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