I will be approaching this project as a government scheme set up to educate schools about digital piracy. This will be done by designing an interactive website that will include illustrated infographics about how digital piracy is damaging for both film and music industries and it will highlighting alternative legal solutions for the school children to use.
Since this project will be focused at school children, the language and images will match accordingly. It will be colourful, playful and simple. I will frame the site within the simple interface of a television and use the idea of ‘heroes and villains.’ This will help provoke a positive response to do the right thing, which in this case will be to download material through the legal processes suggested. I will develop the legal programs like BBC iPlayer and iTunes as the heroes and the illegal methods as villains. As heroes and villains are mainly used as concepts in cartoons and comics, I want to include their dot matrix style. As interactive elements go, I will be including a quiz which will ask questions on digital piracy and showing them what is right and wrong. I will also include the ability to share the information to their friends if they suspect that they may be downloading music or films illegally. Examples of sites that have a similar styles to what I have in mind are the following -Knock-Off Nigel - http://www.knockoffornot.com/This Flash based site has many interactive features that I would like to incorporate into my site. I also like the design style they've adopted for the site. Fight Piracy - http://www.fightpiracy.org/
The roughness in design style and their comic book strip helps the website to be more relevant to its younger audience. Having information displayed in a visual way also makes it a more enjoyable experience. Why Music Matters - http://www.whymusicmatters.org/
This site, informing users on the value of music, has an informal, hand-drawn and sketchy style which also appeals to a younger audience. Including short animations to inform users can be helpful. In my case, I hope to use slightly animated infographics. The project will be made up of roughly 5 web pages which will be linked together via simple navigation buttons. The project will also require me to be using the following software - Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash and Xara Designer Pro 6, a vector drawing package. I will also use coding languages such as XHTML, CSS and jQuery.
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