A Look at Vlogs & Vloggers

I've been wanting to video blog for a while now but never really got round to doing it ...until a few days ago. In doing my first vlog I actually found it incredibly difficult! Some of the things I found difficult were -

  • Scripting
  • Picture quality
  • Editing
  • Slip-ups
...OK, I may have just listed everything that goes into a vlog, but it was only my first episode. Hopefully it will be onwards and upwards from now on.

For the next episode I want to script what I'm saying a little better, hopefully this will stop me tripping up on words! I found using my the webcam on my laptop the best as it records in 16:9 which I prefer. Using Windows Live Movie Maker was awful! It couldn't do what I wanted it to do so I decided to just record it straight to YouTube. Hopefully getting my hands on Adobe Premiere Pro will sort this out.

I've also spent the evening looking at other vlogs as inspiration and through that found a top 10 list of vloggers - http://www.the-top-tens.com/lists/best-youtube-vlogs.asp Below are the vloggers I preferred -

If you have any advice for making vlogs, or if you have examples of good vloggers, feel free to leave a comment below.

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