Mobile Year in Review 2010 - Video

Massive increase in apps downloaded -

FIVE BILLION apps downloaded — up from 300 million in 2009

Whopping expansion of location-based services -

FIVE MILLION Foursquare users — up from 200,000 users in 2009

Surge in mobile social media platforms -

347 PERCENT growth in Twitter mobile usage
200 MILLION mobile Facebook Users
100 MILLION YouTube videos played on mobile devices everyday

Ongoing explosion in data traffic -

3,000 PERCENT growth in one carrier’s data traffic since 2008
3,339: average number of texts sent per month by US teens.

Unprecedented competition and choice -

96 PERCENT of mobile users can choose from 3 or more providers
92 PERCENT of mobile users are satisfied with their provider
4 CENTS: average voice rate per minute in the US
77 MILLION: number of smartphones shipped in the fall of 2010.


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