Artefact 3 - QR Code Business Cards, Evaluation

Given the previous artefact was looking at real-world applications of QR Codes within a commercial advertising context I wanted to look at the relevance they had to self-promotion, with particular emphasis on promoting myself as a web designer. In doing this I looked at how a traditional business card could be improved by utilising new technologies like the QR Code. In designing five prototype business cards I was then able to test their effectiveness.

From the data collected it was apparent that although a traditional style business card was more visually appealing to most, users found the business card that included the QR Code saving the information directly to their phone was most effective in sharing the information. This was due to its ability to provide information that didn't rely on having an internet connection or Wi-Fi as the other QR Code linked to a web page.

Although there was a positive response to the QR Code being included with half the users agreeing to adopting this type of business card for themselves, it was still apparent that a business card could not rely on a QR Code by itself. It had to include some sort of explanation or extra content that was relevant to what the QR Code was offering. This highlighted a slight issue with trust in not knowing what the QR Code actually included. Although QR Code readers are uncommon, making the inclusion of a QR Code slightly pointless, it does shows an interest in utilising modern technologies which is a likeable quality for an potential employer or client.

To conclude, the artefact was a success as it highlighted the beneficial use of a QR Code and therefore is a technology that will be include in the final year Multimedia exhibition catalogue under each student’s profile.

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