Artefact 4 - Evaluation of my Augmented Reality Business Card Concepts

Reflecting back on my research topic and what I’ve learnt from the
last artefact, I wanted to include the use of Augmented Reality in the
sharing of information and ideas. I therefore took the results from my
last artefact and integrated a QR Code business card with an Augmented
Reality marker. I then developed 4 concepts of how this Augmented
Reality would work to test with users. These concepts included a
simple image/avatar,  a portfolio/flipbook, video content and finally
social media links.

Although these weren’t working prototypes, results from generating
these concepts showed that users preferred the portfolio/flipbook and
the video content to the other, simpler concepts. Opinions showed that
the ability to include a large amount of information on the flipbook
was a likeable quality however the QR Code within the marker could be
used to link to a website or portfolio which would be more suitable.
In using Augmented Reality to generate a virtual person within the
video it brings something unique to the virtual environment.

Users were also questioned on least effective concept with the simple
image and social media links scoring the highest. Comments that
emerged  from this highlighted the need for ease of use in accessing
the extra information, explanation of the icons and the inclusion of
more interactivity.

Finally over half the users agreed that they would adopt the business
card that included the Augmented Reality video content with the
portfolio/flipbook getting a positive response too. Reasoning behind
this came from the ability to present yourself as a designer which
would firstly show off your personality and secondly to put a name to
a face or brand.

To summarise, this artefact has given me good grounding for my next
artefact developing my own Augmented Reality business card which will
include virtual video content.

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