Artefact 3 - QR Codes, Business Cards and vCards

Following from the success of the previous artefact, I'm now wanting to focus on their application to us as individuals. How can we use these QR Codes to promote ourselves, network and share details with each other.

Given that both the application download and movie trailer were considered to be the most effective applications of QR Codes, it's harder to include an application download within my particular self-promotion method. I've therefore done some more research on ways we would usually approach this task - The use of business cards, but more specifically integrating the use of a vCard.

With this idea of bringing the business card into the 21st century I want to start by combining old traditional styles with the updated use of a QR Code linked to a vCard then finding out what kind of response this promotes. The service LinkedIn could also prove helpful as I'm looking into more professional contacts.

I designing my own examples I will also be testing current QR Code/vCard services that are on the web to see which methods/services work the best.

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