A Diary of an Avatar 02


Here's a quick update on my Second Life Avatar after a busy Christmas day... I've managed to pick up a free Santa hat and finally been able to change my hairstyle (After a long struggle in trying to remove the old one) I've also visited a few new places and found some interesting features -

Below is a screenshot of me in the Nike Store. I used their laptop to send myself a email in the real world!

Here is a screenshot of my received email form Second Life -

Here is another screenshot of me flying over the Eiffel Tower in Paris!

If found that using the build-in Screenshot button is very handy since it saves your screenshots straight to you hard drive.

A Diary of an Avatar 01


After having problems with creating an avatar on http://www.doppelganger.com/index.html I have decided to create an avatar on Second Life, which is a 3-D virtual world created by its Residents.

After spending some time trying to think of a good character name, I managed to log in to the Second Life world and start exploring. The first thing I noticed when flying/walking was how slow it takes for the textures and objects to generated. Regardless of this, the fact that your character can fly around is quiet good fun.

Below is a screenshot of the Nottingham University building in Second Life -

When there are quiet a few characters on the screen, Its very hard to find out who is saying what -

A Diary of an Avatar


Create an avatar in an online 3D environments, such as Second Life, there.com or Virtual Doppelganger and spend some time exploring the virtual environments and think about the role of identity in these virtual worlds, try and talk with the virtual residents. Keep diary of at least four weeks of your Avatar’s experiences and post it to your journal, also take screen shoot of your experiences.

Sock or Sleeve? - Interactive Narrative


Last night was a success! I managed to get all the photos needed and I have now spent all day editing them together to create my interactive narrative project!

Below is a link to the first draft, with no audio as of yet. A version with audio will be uploaded soon.

If you can see it below, click on the Deviantart link on the right hand side of this page.

Sock or Sleeve? - Interactive Narrative


Just had an idea for my Interactive Narrative project! The title will be 'A Night to Remember - Sock or Sleeve?' I'm going to try and get all the images needed for the project tonight! Don't worry if you get the title, I'll explain it later.