Big Brown Pixilation Animation...Take 1


The Big Brown Pixilation Animation has now been uploaded to Youtube for the very first time. As you can tell some scenes need to be ajusted with timing problems but for a first atempt its not too bad...


Possible Changes
  • Adjust timing of key frames e.e. showing of the I.D. card needs to be slower
  • Darker tint/colours to the animation
  • An older look/More scratches and marks on the animation
First Atempt
File size 12.2MB, Run time 0:50

Pixilation Project - Adapting Images


By using Adobe Photoshop CS3 as a batch processor, I have processed my first batch of photos. Here is an example of a photo after being batch processed -

I like the comic book effect on the image however I think it would look better if it looked older and darker with more scratches and marks on it. Ah well, its only the first go. I'm probably going to make tones of different versions. Lets see how this one pans out!

I am hoping to use a different tint of colour when there is a change of mood like in the Matrix film (Blue for outside the Matrix and green for inside the Matrix) When the killer cardboard box machine is about to kill I will use a red tint. Hopefully it will give a good effect!

Assignment 001 - Mind Control Technology


Write a 300 - 500 word article that tells the audience about a recent multimedia technology that is being or has been developed in the last six months and explain what you think the impact of this technology will have upon society.

I’ve recently been wondering... ‘How cool would it be if I could use my brain to control a game character, like Halo's Master Chief, to throw a grenade into a group of brain eating zombies whilst taking out a large vehicle with a massive bazooka?’ Whilst looking up ‘thought control’, ‘mind control’ and ‘how to take over the world in 80 days’ on Google, I came across an article [1] that hinted at Nintendo having the same idea as me. What more could you ask for? Well, could movements and emotions be processed through the same character? If so, this would be the very last hurdle in communication via text or messaging – Emotion in context. Your character smiles when you smile.

So where has this mind control technology come from? Mind control has been the next step in interactive technology after touch screen technology. Being able to manipulate objects with multiple fingers was one thing, but being able to manipulate and interact with objects using your mind is another kettle of fish! Today, touch screens can only be developed to be more accurate when pointing on a screen, or more sensitive to pressure being applied. However, by using mind control it opens up a whole new world in the development of interactive technology. Not only would using mind control technology impact society in a positive way, it could also have a negative impact.

With all new technologies questions arise - How expensive will it be? Will it run with Vista? Can I use it as a TV remote too? But these questions are all irrelevant. The real question is – ‘I control it, but can it control me?’ In answer to this question many Police forces and other law-enforcement agencies have shown an interest in using mind reading technology to replace lie-detector tests [2]. This is proof that mind control technology could be used against its user.

Now let’s look at the brighter side of mind control technology - The positive impact it would have on society. Mind control would be a powerful tool when it comes to certain disabilities. Medical researchers believe that mind control technology could be used by patients to control the next generation of prosthetic limbs [3], or to give stroke victims new ways to communicate. Patients would be able to use their minds to write sentences, draw pictures or even play games.

Now the conclusion - On one side, mind control technology could help thousands of patients across the world regain independence, bring a more realistic side to gaming and completely change the interactive world. But, there is also a darker side. Mind control technology, if in the wrong hands, could get messy.

I believe in a few years’ time, this technology will have a big impact on society as it will be continually developed and new ideas for its usage come into play. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be writing this article using mind control technology!




Dan's Pick of The Web...


Below are a few links to websites I use -

Assignment 001


"Write a 300 – 500 word article that tells the audience about a recent multimedia technology that is being or has been developed in the last six months and explain what you think the impact of this technology will have upon society."

So where do I start? Well, the first thing to do is research multimedia technologies!

NTU Paints It...Pink?


The NTU Paints It Blue night out was so successful that they have decided to organise more events but with different colours for example - NTU Paints It Red, NTU Paints It Yellow or even NTU Paints It Rainbow Style.

I have been told the next one will be 'NTU Paints It Pink' and that it will be at Gatecrasher so, the ideas start to flow...

I've spent a few hours on my laptop, and using Gatecrasher's current logo as inspiration, I have come up with the following design -

I have used the Gatecrasher colour scheme and incorporated the dragon shape into the logo. All I need to do now is find out if they like it or not.

NTU Painted it Blue


I've just got back from the NTU Paints it Blue night out. It was really good to so many people wearing my t-shirt design! I was talking to one of the event organisers, and he said that there were roughly 200 people wearing the NTU Paints it Blue t-shirts with my design on it! All I can say is 'I wonder what colour will be next?'

The Best Whiteborad Animation


I've just found this awesome whiteboard animation. I think its one of the best by far!

The style of drawing as each person passes through the whiteboard is brilliant and it's made more enjoyable to watch due to the added humour. Enjoy it for yourself...

Narratives - Pixilation


Today we've received our first Narratives assignment - 'What is it?' I hear you ask, well, let me tell you...

The Brief
'Using the digital still camera (Canon Power Shot S3 iS) capture a sequence of frames
that assumes a frame rate of 12 per second for a 30 second piece [360 shots] shoot more for safeties sake.'

So lets get started...

What do I want to get out to the course?


Not only do I want to meet some new people and pass this course (obviously) I want to find out more about animation and game design side of the course but I also want to build on what I already know about web design.

What I did on the first week...


This week has been awesome - I've been out nearly every night, played some laser quest, bowled myself to victory and danced myself to death to the sweet sounds of RnB, Dance and Drum and Bass.

I've also been to a few multimedia induction lectures this week. We made pinhole cameras out of beer cans and created 10 seconds animation using whiteboards. Below is my first attempt at the pinhole camera.