Element Update


Website - Restyled my current website to link with City&Wool's image and colour scheme.

City&Wool | The Design Portfolio of Dan Ryland


Essay Research


Essay Term 2 - Creative Practitioner
  • In this essay you should state your pathway choice and explain the personal challenges and opportunities afforded to you by choosing to enter that specific multimedia practice identified,
  • Do that through discussion of your work produced this academic year,
  • You also need to identify three diverse practitioners,
  • Discuss why you have chosen these practitioners. Pay particular reference to particular concepts or ideas that form a conceptual focus, social conscience, visual dramatic work. Perhaps their work is thought-provoking, and innovative in its scope, delivery or execution,
  • Finally through examining the work of these practitioners, reflect on your own work.
My pathway will be Online Environments.

Below are a list of website that I've found and gone through while trying to research for my essay. Some links are to sites that include examples of web practitioners -
Summary of the links above -
  • View Creative Agency link is a graphic and web design company that I like. Three links to sites they've made have a certain style that I like and use,
  • SpoonGraphics is another practitioner that I like and he has a good blog (Check it out - http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/)
  • Web Trends - Proof that web design trends are always changing due to the developing of coding and what you make of the tools you already have,
  • Interesting article within first web link about how important web design is and does it matter at all? - 'The other question is whether Web design matters at all. At the end of the day, a Web site is going to be successful if it offers a product/service that people want. Aidan Henry had a good post recently looking at Craigslist, which features one of the worst designs in the world - yet people love the service.'
  • 24ways website - how the current economy situation can effect career choices we make.
That's it for now. More coming soon. To finish a humours image...

Identities Update


Here are my final ideas for my identities project -

Showcase - General idea completed, just need to add the elements in.

Logo - Completed.

Avatar - Still not fully sure on final idea, but I want to complete this in the next few weeks. Probably go for the super hero idea. The concept behind this would be a good leader and knows what is right from wrong.

AV - Unsure of what to do. One idea I had was to video people saying words that describe me and my personality. These words would not be my own. I would then make it into a film review/audience reactions trailer of myself. To do this I will film people saying certain words or sentences that describe me.

The idea was a development from an entry requirement project that I had to do for Graphic Design down in UWIC, Cardiff. You had to create 3 image for 3 titles of your choice. I choose 'Your Ideal Self,' 'Yourself as a letter,' and 'Your Nightmare Self.' Here are my 3 entries -

Website - Going to use my current website but need to restyles to link with City&Wool's image and colour scheme. This would highlight my professionalism and quality as a creative practionier.

Last Element - I want to play on the idea that people around you make you who you are. I was thinking of combining stop motion with some sort of morphing program. Passport or Driver's Licence would come out of my wallet then as you would look at the photo it would morph from my face to my friends and families faces and then back to my face. Not sure what kind of music/audio I would include yet.