Seminar 5 - Design Exercise 5, Research & Development Task

Find a colour wheel online.
Investigate colour harmonies.
Which do you like?
Are you drawn to particular ones?

In looking for colour harmonies, I found this website really useful -

The colours I liked together were these colours -

This Analogous colour scheme uses colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel. 'They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.' I find this Analogous colour schemes reminds me of colours that you can find in nature which makes it pleasing to the eye.

Change the colours of a brand/log.
How do you feel about the brand now?
What associations do they have before and after?

I've chosen the trusted HP brand. Their logo, originally coloured blue or black, now changed to red gives it a different feel. Looking at the red HP logo, I feel like its demanding attention but not in a good way. Red to me symbolises warning and urgency and can convey the feeling of having to make a quick decision and being rushed. On the other hand, the blue conveys the idea of modern and professional. It also feels more respected and that its a trust worthy brand.

While travelling home think about why companies have chosen certain colours and how they make you feel about their identity. Do the colours match your image?

Lets take McDonald's logo...

Does this match their identity? Yes, I think so. Looking at branding colours and how important they are ( McDonald's has always kept to red and yellow but what do these colours symbolise?
  • 'Yellow evokes cheerfulness. Houses with yellow trim or flower gardens sell faster.
  • Reds and oranges encourage diners to eat quickly and leave. Red also makes food more appealing and influences people to eat more. (It is no coincidence that fast food restaurants almost always use these colors.)
  • The most visible color is yellow.
  • Hard colors (red, orange and yellow) are more visible and tend to make objects look larger and closer. They are easier to focus upon. They create excitement and cause people to over-estimate time.'
Journal Exercise
Create two web pages in basic html/css that evoke the words ‘harmony’ and ‘disharmony’.