
Looking at my creativity, and what and who I’ve been using it for, I find that all my projects fit into two groups/under two titles. The first group/title is personal use and gain and the second is one is client based. I have been designing and creating websites, graphics and illustrations since GCSE level and since being on the Multimedia course I have produced taster trailers for a future film project.

I’ve designed my own online portfolio, created a logo for myself and recently been developing my Adobe Premiere Pro skills by creating trailers for a film idea called Doll Death Demise. This film project, which is currently in the early stages of storyboarding, will be a creative collaboration between my brother and I that will hopefully be hitting the big wide world next year.

When looking at the specific projects listen above, I find that my creativity has been use to think up and designed these projects for my personal use which has been a good platform for experimental work and the testing of new skills.

The second group, client based, is where I believe most of my creativity has been going, not that I’m running out our losing it, but where I feel I am more focused towards. I have designed logos for local businesses and companies, which includes the design of a logo for the WHAC Scheme run by the Welsh Hockey Union, websites for various clients, like Katalyst Theatre Productions and Tom Wright Photography and the design of a poster for the Nottingham Trent University EdCam (Education Campaign).

I find when looking at personal projects I don’t restrict my creativity due to the fact that I am the client and I allow myself to express myself in a creative way however, when looking at client based projects, my creativity could seem to be restricted slightly due to the fact that they might have different opinions and tastes to myself but when looked at in a different light, my creativity is never restricted, it’s just manipulated and adapted in a different ways to fulfil the client’s needs.

For the future, I seen my creativity blossoming into something unique and original. This will be used in the form of web design but also in graphic design and film design. I have always enjoyed creating things that look good but I also like making things that work well underneath its exterior. This is where I find myself falling towards the wide world of web design and its pathway, but don’t worry - no one pushed me.

When using the powerful tool of Research, I find that I can develop and build on skills I already know but also find new things by learning new technologies and skills through various tutorials. The web is a brilliant place to find a huge collection of inspirational blogs and website which include designs, images and ideas that could be nurtured into creative original ideas.

When looking at the four starting points of research, behind the text, in or through, in front of and finally for, I find myself drawn to ‘in or through.’ With regards to web design I find it interesting to look at the html/xhtml coding of websites to see how each image or paragraph comes together to make that website. By looking at the coding or source of a website, you can see its bare back bones. However, I find myself feeling wary of the ‘in front of’ starting point due to the fact that there can be so many opinions. When it comes to designing a website, you might like using large images as backgrounds but others with slower internet connection hate the fact you are using a large image because I takes so long to load in their browsers. When looking at which one of the four starting points seem irrelevant, I think that they all should have an equal importance in research however, I personally don’t tend to look at ‘for.’