Sit Here, Be Cool - Episode 9

Although this is probably the shortest video blog episode ever, I must admit it's been an enjoyable 9 weeks of video blogging!

Again this weeks is a little late due to the fact I'm relying on my smartphone for vlogging but I'll try and produce a better episode for the big 1 0.

Looking back on the past 9 weeks has been interesting. I started video blogging because I thought it would be easier for me to get ideas across and to think reflectively on certain articles/website. I also found it harder to write good reflective blog entries.

After recording these short vlogs I find that I've perfected my ability to share ideas in front of a camera/person which has given me more confidence, I'm now better at writing reflectively on my work and I've noticed a difference with the time it takes to produce these vlogs and how that plays on your ability to think at speed. Basically you could spend hours thinking, writing and perfecting a certain blog entry, which can be useful to take the time out but video on the other hand is much quicker, especially if you've not scripted anything. In having to think on your feed I find myself being able to think and talk more efficiently (less humming and harring)

I've always though I'd prefer to watch a video rather than to reading something on the same subject as it's a little easier to digest, but I also think it's important to mix up your methods of gathering information.

Ultimately it's been a productive few weeks and I would suggest for those who haven't tried vlogging before to give it a go!

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